Our Mission

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

03-25-2015_John 11_Words Grant Faith And Life

God's Word created the world. God's Word made flesh saved the world. God's Word from Christ's mouth raised dead Lazarus. God's Word raise us, give us faith, and give us life. A message by the series co-author, Todd Ketterhagen.


03-22-2015_Lent 5_Conflict

Jesus addresses conflict among the disciples by teaching His disciples that He came to serve, not be served.


03-18-2015_John 9:1ff_When Did YOU Finally See?

Jesus heals a blind man and starts him on a journey that is the journey of faith.


03-15-2015_Eph. 2:1-10_The Source Of Joy...And Everything Else!

Paul reminds us that, beginning with God's love, we get the gifts of grace, faith, and joy.


03-11-2015_Matt. 9:1ff_If Forgiving Sins Is Wrong...

Jesus chooses to be seen as in theological error in order to demonstrate that He is the Son of God.


03-08-2015_John 2:13-22_A Spotless Temple For God And His People

Jesus clears the Temple in a rage over the faithlessness of the very people who thought of themselves as belonging to God.


Thursday, March 5, 2015

03-04-2015_The Miracle Of Faith 3_Mark 7:31-37_Faith Comes By Hearing

The first thing the man ever heard was the voice of His Lord. It was Jesus' words that opened his ears and it's His words that open ours as well.


03-01-2015_Rom. 5:1-11_The Cross-Shaped Life

The Christian life is shaped by Jesus' cross. From suffering, it produces endurance, then character, then the hope that does not disappoint.
